Cal York's Inside Stuff: April 1956


Even blasé Hollywood was surprised at that nationally syndicated story by Grace Kelly’s mother. Until Grace became engaged to Prince Rainier of Monaco, publicizing her personal life and loves was always a taboo subject. Now no one understands this lavish indulgence!


Now that she’s a young matron, everyone expected Debbie Reynolds to stop selling cookies for the Girl Scouts. But, says Mrs. Eddie Fisher, “Just because I changed my name is no reason why I should change my ideals.” Cookies, anyone?


What’s new about Rock Hudson that hasn’t been printed? “My headache,” groaned the groom, as he lowered his long frame into a chair opposite Cal in the U-I commissary. “Now why do I go to cocktail parties?” he lamented. “What’s new? Well, I saw a beautiful tablecloth in a window and I just had to buy it for Phyllis. But she’s so level-headed, when she found out it cost $175, she took it back and got six for the same price! And, after all our talk about having a swimming pool and enlarging our house, we’re going to sell it and buy a new one in Beverly Hills. Phyllis is out looking now. She’s using the name of Mrs. Fitzgerald so they won’t stick the high-price gun in her back! We want lots of space around us, and we need an extra bedroom.” No, Rock didn’t say they plan to convert it into a nursery—so we’ll say it for him!


It happened at a drive-in on the way to Palm Springs. June Allyson and Dick Powell were having a hamburger when a hotrod pulled up next to their car. The kids in it recognized the Powells, and finally one of them came over and asked Dick if he’d help him win a five-dollar bet. All Dick had to do was take a kick in the pants! No-chicken Dick complied, then asked, “Now tell me why I rate this?” “Because you married our dream girl,” was the answer! June laughed until she cried.

From the Photoplay archives.
