What I Watched in June

An overview of what I watched in June, which wasn't much due to work, but was mostly Katharine Hepburn films!*

Marriage is a Private Affair (1944)

Lana Turner had such magnetic screen presence, it's always fun to watch her. She plays spoiled yet sensitive so well here, and she's every bit as glamorous. 

The Art of Love (1965)

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I will forever be charmed by these goofy '60s comedies and the day I run out of them I'm going to be very sad indeed.

Absence of Malice (1981)

As someone who went to journalism school, and I guess just broadly, as a woman, the concept of female reporters sleeping with their sources in movies has always been an ick of mine. I went into this knowing that would be part of the storyline, though. But Paul Newman and Sally Field are phenomenal in this. 

They Won't Believe Me (1947)

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Poor Robert Young just could not catch a break in this impressive noir. What are the odds that [spoiler] and [spoiler] would happen to him? And more broadly, poor Robert Young: I know he was resentful that his career never blew up in the way he wanted but I always enjoy seeing him on the screen. 


Quality Street (1937)
Break of Hearts (1935)
Spitfire (1934)
The Little Minister (1934)
Mary of Scotland (1936)
A Woman Rebels (1936)
Song of Love (1947)
Full of Life (1956)

*Read my thoughts on the Katharine Hepburn movies I watched here
