What I Watched in April

An overview of what I watched in April. 

A Slightly Pregnant Man (L'Événement le plus important depuis que l'homme a marché sur la Lune) (1973)

I've made a concerted effort to watch more foreign films this year (don't judge me on my existing output in my 'watched' lists, I'm making the effort!) and there's so much to explore! Catherine Deneuve has been my gateway, and she's such an enchanting actress. I so loved this satire and would definitely recommend it!

Salome (1953)

These mid-century biblical epics are not my jam on paper (not religious) but there's something about the scale, the production design, the costuming that just draws me in. Rita's captivating as Princess Salome and that final dance scene was *chef's kiss*.

The Fugitive Kind (1960)

I don't get the hype over Marlon Brando (I don't think this is a controversial take) so I watched purely for my gals Joanne Woodward and Anna Magnani. 

I Like Your Nerve (1931)

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If I'm being honest, this movie was kinda boring and I thought it was a heist for the longest time. Then I read the summary on Wikipedia and I feel like I watched a different movie. I'd have to watch it again, but at what cost? 

That Wonderful Urge (1948)

Why are some of the best films ones you've never heard of and would never think to source out? This was so delightful!

Manon 70 (1968)

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Catherine Deneuve is glam and this was a good movie; definitely jealous of all the luxurious locations.

Girl Trouble (1942)

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Guys, I think I'm a Don Ameche fan now? This was so fun!

…And God Created Woman (Et Dieu… créa la femme) (1956)

I wasn't sure if I was supposed to root for Brigitte Bardot's character or not, but she's a good example of morally grey. The production design on this one was the stand out for me. 

The Man in Possession (1931)

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Me watching this: I've seen this already, haven't I? He's just out of prison, his brother's marrying a woman who doesn't actually have money, he becomes her butler as a ruse. I've seen this! Why don't I have it in my log oh, it was remade six years later as Private Property (and better, in my opinion). 

The Female Animal (1958)

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Who knew Jane Powell had it in her?! Just kidding, she always had the edge underneath those sweet musical roles. Would've been interesting to see her build a career off of more dramatic fare after big budget musicals went out of style, but alas. 

Dear Brigitte (1965)

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Big fan of how Jimmy Stewart just went full blown comedian in the '60s. 


All These Women (1964)
The Boob (1926)
The Young Lovers (1964)
Paradise for Three (1938)
We're in the Money (1935)
