Last Minute News Flash by Cal York: April 1961


After spending so much time romancing Hope Lange, Glenn Ford turned around and started building a new home—a stone’s throw from Debbie and Harry’s new mansion. But Glenn insists to his friends that Hope’s the one.

Sandra Dee and Bobby Darrin had been married only two months when the stork rumours began to fly. They may not have been true then, but who knows now? One explanation of the rumours they gave then was that Sandy was no longer on that strict diet she followed before her marriage.

Looks like Rock Hudson and Marilyn Maxwell have turned their long-time friendship into something else. Could it be that Rock is willing to try the marriage bit again? Those quiet dinners they’ve been sharing around town look more than cozy to me.

Congratulations to Cary Grant. He’s 57 now and he still doesn’t look a day over 30. His secret? No drinking or smoking and exercises twice a day.

Shirley Jones got rid of her press agent fast when she saw the sexy advertisements showing her in a negligee, planned as part of her Oscar campaign for her performance in Elmer Gantry. My question is: if she felt the ads were in bad taste, why in the world did she consent to do those scenes in the movie that were even more suggestive? You can forget about those rumours about her marriage breaking up. T’ain’t so.

I may be wrong, but isn’t Cheryl Crane still in love with the gas station attendant she came close to running away with a year ago? But in any case, it’s lucky that Lana has a husband now to help her take care of Cheryl.

From the Photoplay archives. 


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