My Favourite Shirley MacLaine told by Letterboxd Reviews

Happy 88th Birthday Shirley MacLaine! 

In honour of this legend's birthday, here are my favourite Shirley MacLaine movies as told by Letterboxd reviews!
What a Way to Go! (1964)

“Can you believe this film invented the color pink?” — MaryAnn

“Holy shit, did I straight up conjure this movie with my hopes and dreams?! Shirley MacLaine in my dream role, making out with all of my boyfriends(!!!), in my wardrobe, in my decade, making my jokes about murder and capitalism, in my fantasy film????????????? I might be blinded by the cast here but this was such a blast to watch. I didn’t laugh so much as I just loved every dumb minute of it.” — Jenna Ipcar

“Completely nuts and utterly original, What a Way to Go has to be seen to be believed!” — Anna Imhoff

“How do I sign up to be Shirley MacLaine so I can also make out with Robert Mitchum, Dick Van Dyke, Gene Kelly, Dean Martin and Paul Newman??” — houvre

“Ain't nobody doing it like Shirley MacLaine.. period!!” — Angelica

All in a Night's Work (1961)

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“I really liked it and found it charming, with MacLaine giving a fantastic and incredibly likeable performance. It feels like a tribute to those great screwball comedies of the 30s and 40s, and does well in managing to do its own thing at the same time.” — Josh Gillam

“Sure, this has flaws and problematic bits… but Shirley MacLaine and Dean Martin together on screen, being goofy and wearing amazing outfits… what’s not to love?” — Katherine Schmitz

“Cheesy, cute and enjoyable.” — Amanda Gilliam 

Artists and Models (1955)

“So what is this movie about, then? Shirley MacLaine, dressed as "Bat-Lady," tied to a chair, struggling to escape. God bless this beautiful stupid country.” — Joe 

“This film deserves 4 stars just for that sequence where Shirley MacLaine sings ‘Innamorata’ while Jerry Lewis tries to survive her love declaration.” — maneleeo

“One of the best movies about goofing off with your roommates, making art with your friends, dreaming, and finding happiness.” — Augie

The Apartment (1960)

“Just overwhelmed. by how good it was, by how Billy Wilder can do no wrong, and yes, how I’m going to be making this a new Christmas tradition.” — Wes

“Buddy Boy needs a union.” — K. Austin Collins

“Knows exactly when to laugh, when to gaze, when to kiss, when to cry, when to sleep, when to quit, when to deal, when to smile, when to love.” — Ella Kemp

Gambit (1966)

“It is a travesty that our supply of charming mid-century heist capers isn't endless.” — Timcop

“Michael Caine pitch-perfectly plays the asshole thief who’s infinitely less smart than he thinks he is. Shirley MacLaine shines even brighter, imbuing her imagined pawn with bold charisma and quick-witted attitude; Caine’s master criminal can only hope to play catch-up as she constantly saves his master plan. Their dynamic is such a fun push-&-pull of naive confidence and natural canniness.” — More_Badass

“This film is such a hoot. Just a terrific inversion of a heist flick. The first act alone is an all-timer.” — Matt Goldberg


What are your favourite Shirley MacLaine movies? Let me know in the comments! 
