Sissy Spacek's Oscar Outfit

If you're looking for unfussed Oscar fashion, Sissy Spacek's about as unfussed as you can get. 

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Imagine you're just a tomboy from East Texas who wants to be an actress but you don't want to be one of those fussy, fashion-obsessed actresses who wears all the grandest designers. You just want to be valued for the work and your oeuvre. That's Sissy Spacek. 

And please allow me to use this space to urge you, if you haven't already, to read her memoir, My Extraordinary Ordinary Life. She's such a fascinating person, I couldn't put it down when I read it a few years ago. 

Sissy Spacek was a rising star yet a critical darling by the time she won the Oscar in 1980 for Coal Miner's Daughter. Her uncanny portrayal of country legend Loretta Lynn saw her beat out Mary Tyler Moore for the most un-Mary Tyler Moore performance of all time in Ordinary People

Here's an actress who relies on instinct and was always willing to work outside the box and take on roles that spoke to her rather than lined her pockets. And when she found herself in need of an outfit for the Oscars, she turned to the costume designer from Coal Miner's Daughter to make it happen. 

In a Hollywood Reporter feature on Oscar style and the roles stylists play in modern Hollywood, Sissy Spacek wrote an email about her unfussy Oscar night appearance: "Joe Tompkins was the costume designer for Coal Miner's Daughter. When I was nominated, I turned to Joe to design a simple, silk, one-piece jumpsuit. It felt perfect and my tomboy spirit was happy."

It's such a departure from typical Oscars fashion; even the messy, loose ponytail with wisps framing her face adds to it. It's sophisticated yet unfussed and it so suits Sissy. 
