GOOD NEWS! March 1945
They say men fall in love with the same type each time. Do
you believe it?
At least, John Payne ran true to form—for his new mate,
Gloria De Haven, is certainly like his ex-wife, Anne Shirley. The girls have
the same ingenue charm, lovely figures, and I think they look alike.
Rita Hayworth has named her baby Rebecca for no particular
reason except that she likes it, and it sounds "old fashioned." The
full title, of course, is Rebecca Welles. When she gets to grade school age,
don't tell me she won't get a lot of "Rebecca-at-the-well" ribbing
from her schoolmates.
If there was ever a time when Dick Powell wasn't
"popping the question" to June Allyson because he thought her career
was zooming ahead of his—he can forget that argument. He not only has a new air
show, but he's out of this world as a Humphrey Bogart character in Murder, My
Sweet. He plays the same detective Bogart plays in Raymond Chandler's The
Big Sleep. When Bogey heard about it, he cracked: "If he doesn't stop
playing me, I'm going to start crooning.”
If there ever was a little rough sledding for Mickey Rooney
after he went into the Army, I hear it is all over now because of the job he is
doing overseas. He is very popular with the G.I.'s with only a little kidding
going on now and then. One story is that a young Lieutenant called Rooney in
one day and said, "Sit down, I want to talk with you just like Lewis
If you don't think Robert Walker has it bad for Shirley
Patterson, listen to this: He'll accept no social engagements unless she's
"included in." Of course, this doesn't go when Bob goes to Jennifer
Jones' to visit his sons.
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