How to Have a Doris Day Spring

Happy Spring!

Wherever you are in the world, I hope the snow's finally gone, the flowers are about to bloom, and the next few months are sunny and springlike! I'm here today with a few tips on how you can enjoy your spring using Doris Day as a guide.

Here are 10 rules you must abide if you want to have a Doris Day Spring!

Rule 1: Don't eat the daisies

I don't know who's out here eating daisies, but you've been warned!

Rule 2: Fill up on seafood instead!

Lobster, lobster, lobster (It Happened to Jane). Always lobster! 

Rule 3: Go on a cruise

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What's the worst that could happen? Don't answer that (Move Over, Darling). If a rich heiress who thinks her husband is cheating on her needs proof and wants you to pretend to be her on a cruise (Romance on the High Seas), you say yes. Conversely, if you need to trick the locals into believing mermaids exist (The Glass Bottom Boat) or you think you could get an in-ground swimming pool if you advertise for a company (The Thrill of It All!), have at it.

Rule 4: Redecorate

Get rid of the winter clothing, the winter colours, and brighten up your space (Pillow Talk). Maybe consider some antiques (Do Not Disturb). Or a menagerie of animals to keep your space interesting (The Glass Bottom Boat). Maybe just move into a hotel for a change of pace? (Lucky Me)

Rule 5: Get out in nature

Get dirty (The Ballad of Josie), get gritty (Calamity Jane), but for God's sake, don't eat the daisies! (Please Don't Eat the Daisies)

Rule 6: Enjoy your work

If you're satisfied at work it can only bleed into your home life, so angle for that new client (Lover Come Back), join a union (The Pajama Game), or engage in some corporate espionage if it makes you happy (The Glass Bottom Boat, Caprice)!

Rule 7: Find a Rock Hudson of your own

Can be found writing songs for musicals and tying up party lines (Pillow Talk), working in advertising (Lover Come Back) or doing everything he can not to die from hypochondria (Send Me No Flowers). 

Rule 8: Make new friends

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Be it with your neighbour (Send Me No Flowers, The Glass Bottom Boat), friends of your manager (My Dream is Yours), a guy you were stranded on a deserted island with (Move Over, Darling), or the teenage daughter of the man you just married (With Six You Get Eggroll), it's never a bad idea to expand your social circle.

Rule 9: Go to Paris

Literally, they write movies about going to Paris in the spring (April in Paris), so just do it!

Rule 10: Get a jaunty tune stuck in your head

Here are some of my recommendations. Whichever tune you get stuck in your head, I hope it carries you through a very satisfying spring!
