Let's see how I made out with my 2022 Classic Movie New Year's Resolutions, eh?

My 2022 Classic Movie New Year's Resolutions, A Check In:

Finish out Ginger Rogers's filmography.

No, but I did finish Doris Day's, which was a New Year's Resolution from 2021, and Esther Williams's, so I'm on track for a few years from now when I should be watching someone else's movies!

Watch at least 50 Pre-Code films.

It wasn't in the cards since I sucked at actually planning out which Pre-Code movies to watch, but I did see so many more Pre-Code films this year than any before! I'll have a final tally once the New Year hits, I'm still watching movies up until the very end of the year and currently watching a Pre-Code one! (The Silver Cord)

Watch all of the Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis movies.

I learned this year that Jerry Lewis really annoys me? So that's a no. 

Watch 300 new-to-me old movies. 

Lord, how I tried. I hit the goal, but I've learned that hovering around the mid-200s is an easier do for me than trying to squeeze in as many as possible in November/December to hit an arbitrary goal. Next year, the chips are gonna fall where they may!

Actually make Natalie Woods's huevos rancheros this year. 

Hell yes! Those eggs were delicious!

Finish Esther William's filmography. 

source unknown

You can't find three of them anywhere, but yes! I love her aquamusicals. 

Finish watching every movie nominated for Best Picture between 1930-1939. 

Nope, and I don't feel bad about this one. Some of the movies that were nominated read very boring to me. 
