Nearly Every Time I Rolled My Eyes During 'Kisses for My President'

To my American friends and readers, I've got my fingers crossed for you guys! Vote if you haven't already.

Today I wanted to focus on a political movie, and hopefully inject a bit of humour into it. So, I present Nearly Every Time I Rolled My Eyes During Kisses for My President (because if I listed every single moment that made me want to roll my eyes or punch the TV screen, I'd wind up transcribing the entire movie).

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When Thad has a hissy fit about having to sleep in the bedroom designated for the First Lady because it has gasp a canopy bed!

When Thad insists on sleeping solo in the President's Bedroom and getting his wife, the President, to sleep in the First Lady's Bedroom know. It's too masculine in there for her, she won't enjoy it. The bed's more Thad's size anyways. (Are you kidding me?)

Thad asks her if she knows what she did to him. "I was a proud husband and good father before you turned me into the First Lady or whatever I'm supposed to be." 

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When he keeps whining that he quit his job so that the millions of American women could have a female President and now he has nothing to do, when he has literally all of D.C. at his disposal and could likely do something of value (although I guess this was before First Ladies had platforms? I feel like Jackie was the first who actually championed a cause and then every successor took on her own.). 

When he wines and dines a Central American dictator and whines and shares all of his marital problems. Then punches the dictator (accidentally) and causes an international incident.

When he feels like he's entitled to state secrets just because he's the President's husband. 

When he accepts a job as Vice President at his ex-girlfriend's cosmetics company, all of his ideas are dumb, and he's so keen to "be a man" again that he thinks he got the job on merit and not because his ex-girlfriend wants him back. 

When he can't be bothered to parent his children, one of whom uses his Secret Service detail to bully the other kids at school and the other who gets in trouble with the law but uses her detail to sweep it under the rug. If you don't want to be the White House social hostess, at least parent your kids!

When the first female President of the United States quits her job because she's pregnant and wants to focus more on her family. Are. You. Kidding. Me. 


I know it's billed as a comedy, but it sure didn't age well. And I'm not a Fred MacMurray fan at all; he just has this smug look about him which translated very well with this role. Here's hoping that whoever the first First Husband winds up being, he handles his role better than Thad! 
