The Movies I Can't Bear to Delete from My DVR: Part V
I'm back for another edition of my annual list of movies I added to my DVR over the year and now can't bear to delete (until I own them in physical media form, at least). Here's Part I, Part II, Part III and Part IV.
Donkey Skin (1970)
This movie is perfectly dreamy thanks to Jacques Demy and Catherine Deneuve is perfect, and at my core, I'm a fairy tale girl and love this movie with every fibre of my being.
The Rat Race (1960)
I first saw this years ago on Silver Screen Classics, before I realized how much I love Debbie Reynolds, AND I DELETED IT OFF MY DVR and then it just never came on ever again for me to record it, and it's not available on CC Video, so I just had to live with the heartbreak that I may never see this again...
UNTIL it was Debbie Reynolds 'month' at the tail-end of 31 Days of Oscars (I'd love to chat with whoever ran it mid-February to mid-March this time, depriving us of a literal month of Debbie and instead cramming it into a week) and this was part of the schedule!
It's just as wonderful as I remember. I'll never delete you ever again!

I watched this during 31 Days of Oscars and, dear readers, became OBSESSED with it. I love everything about it (Margaret O'Brien's tearful eyes at the bottom of the list). Why I haven't bought it yet on DVD is beyond me.
This was so funny! Definitely didn't like the high schooler gal getting married, but still! And that house! And David Niven!
When the Boys Meet the Girls (1965)
Connie Francis made better movies (Where the Boys Are, Looking for Love and Follow the Boys) but there's something mindlessly fun about this one that I can't bring myself to delete.
Have a Heart (1934)
On paper this should be the kind of movie that makes me roll my eyes: schmaltzy melodrama, kinda kooky plot that would make sense for a '30s film, odd choices, but hear me out because somehow it works?
Jean Parker plays a woman crippled when her fiancé chases her through an apartment and then she falls off the balcony (yes) and then falls in love with the man who drives the ice cream truck. She's saving money for an operation to fix her leg, but he gets in trouble with his work and then all hell breaks loose. But there's a happy ending and it works!
The Best of Everything (1959)
And now we've reached the portion of the list where I'd seen the movies before but for whatever reason had never saved them to my DVR so was waiting for them. The Best of Everything is just deliciously soapy melodrama, and I rented it from my local library a few years ago and have been WAITING for my chance to own this (last I checked it wasn't on CC Video), and then it finally popped up on TCM this year.
You're mine now, my pet!
The Umbrellas of Cherbourg (1964)
If there's a perfect film, surely it's this.
Penelope (1966)
I watched this a few years ago and loved how comedic it was. It reminds me kind of How to Steal a Million, in a way? Anyways, I watched this at my mother's house the first time I ever saw it, and therefore couldn't save it to my DVR, and I've been waiting for it to come back on ever since. Ladies and gentlemen, this was my year.
Natalie Wood was just going for it and I was there for it. Her death was such a loss.
The Three Faces of Eve (1957)
I have a rule in my house: if The Three Faces of Eve comes on and I'm home, I watch it. And it just so happens that this disappeared from my TV screens (and was never top-of-list of my CC Video wish list when I had disposable income for DVDs) for years, so when I saw it earlier this year, I pounced and DVR'd it.
If Joanne Woodward has no stans, I'm dead.
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