Inside Christine and Ellen's Apartment (Duchess of Idaho)

I recently bought Duchess of Idaho on DVD with some Christmas money and forgot how envious I am of Esther Williams' and Paula Raymond's apartment in this film, so in the spirit of Galentine's Day, let's take a closer look at their chic bachelorette pad! 

gif by me

Quick plot explainer: Esther Williams (Christine) and Paula Raymond (Ellen) play long-time friends and roommates. Christine is, naturally, an aquamusical performer, and Ellen is the lovelorn secretary hopelessly in love with her boss, played by John Lund. Christine takes it upon herself to follow said boss to Sun Valley and convince him that he's in love with Ellen through subterfuge, and falls in love with Dick Layne (played by Van Johnson) in the process. Square? 

Christine and Ellen live in Apartment 22. Their friendship dates back quite far, but we'll see proof of that in another room. 

You have to admire the confidence of anyone who's going to display a framed headshot in their living room like it's a Monet. 

Ellen's got one, too. Don't worry. 

What I love about their apartment is that it's tastefully done in muted shades of green and pink. Entirely emblematic of the time period. This film was released in 1950. I also love that they have a piano, but neither one of their characters seem at all musically inclined. Makes you wonder if this was a furnished apartment. 

Love the octagonal mirror. 

The bedroom contains hints of pink. I love the headboards. See the photo of Christine and Ellen on the nightstand? They've known each other since the war; they were in the same unit of the US Army. 

A glimpse of the tiny dining area and the skyline behind it. 

Another peek into the bedroom, with white furniture on display. I love that planter. 

Either the ladies love Victorian-style paintings or the apartment was decorated with it.  

The artwork does give the apartment more of a delicate touch. 

So very frilly for two women who don't seem all that frilly? 

That said, I do love those curtains. 

You guys know by now that I'm a sucker for a vintage telephone.

I also love a good old-fashioned radio. And look, more Victorian-style artwork on the wall. 

Gosh, those curtains!

One of the vanities, and the plush armchair. 

Our only glimpse into the kitchen. 

The entry closet. 

Ellen and her boss eating dinner together. 

The floral display on the coffee table is certainly lovely. 

An ode to Esther Williams in the form of the lamp base? 

This is probably one of the cozier living room areas I've profiled. 

But the chair behind Ellen looks supremely uncomfortable. 

Another glimpse of their apartment building's hallway. 

I know my typical way is to explain the plot in detail as I break down the apartment styling, but this is such a fun movie, you should go watch it! Happy Galentine's Day! 
