A Month of Miriam Hopkins

One of my New Year's Resolutions (classic movie edition) was to watch all of the movies for a TCM Star of the Month, and I figured that I'd cross this one off the list in January because its star was Miriam Hopkins, an actress I've been meaning to explore more in depth. 

Alas, I fell off the wagon around the third week and never hopped back on (blame it on Joel McCrea, like I am). So here's my abbreviated Month of Miriam Hopkins. We'll try to cross this resolution off the list in March, when Doris Day is the TCM Star of the Month! 
Wise Girl (1937)

Is it such a shock that my favourite Miriam Hopkins movie this month featured Ray Milland as the love interest? In this little romantic comedy, Miriam plays an heiress who wants to get custody of her nieces (her sister and brother-in-law have died) from their uncle, charmingly played by Ray Milland. 

Over the course of the movie, they team up to find bohemian jobs while she operates undercover, and they fall in love. It's quite a cute story. 

Lady With Red Hair (1940)

I really liked this rags to riches tale, but it still dragged on a bit too long for my tastes. 

Madame X (1937)

I preferred the 1966 version, with Lana Turner and Constance Bennett. 

The Richest Girl in the World (1934)

This was cute but not very memorable, in my opinion anyway. 

Woman Chases Man (1937)

Here I am, still trying to figure out Joel McCrea's appeal... 
