Inside the Hotel Monte Belva (Thrill of a Romance)

The first Esther Williams movie I ever saw was Thrill of a Romance, and the circumstances behind my viewing make this movie all the more special to me. 

It was during the History of the Swimsuit programming block on TCM in May/June 2020 (which remains, to this day, my favourite series they've ever done) and I watched it first thing in the morning, and it was sunny outside. It just added to the overall charm. 

gif by me

You can read a more in-depth post here, but for now, let's dive in and explore the Hotel Monte Belva!

Here's our first glimpse of the Hotel Monte Belva. I don't like nature as a personal rule, but even I find this locale stunning. 

Look at the view from the front desk. And you get serenaded to as you check in.

I'm going to need the curtains in the honeymoon suite, and all that mint green furniture. We also get another gorgeous view from the window. 

Here's another view of the sitting room in the honeymoon suite. 

You can see the bedroom behind Esther, and I'm also going to need the wallpaper and that chair. 

This guy plays a fun little role in the movie, but no spoilers here, so watch it to find out who he is. I'm just pointing out the wall décor behind him. 

It's a bustling dining room, with the pink and mint colour scheme continuing through. That's opera singer Lauritz Melchior playing opera singer Nils Knudsen, by the way. He's fun. 

Bring back the days of bringing a phone to your table when you have a call. Is there a bigger flex? I don't think so. 

Van! Sorry, this contributes nothing to the overall post, but I had to. 

This is 'Susan Dorsey' (wink wink), the daughter of Tommy Dorsey, who provides the orchestra in this movie. In real life, that's Helene Stanley, who you might better recognize as the model for Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty and Anita from 101 Dalmatians. (She was also married to Johnny Stompanato before he took up with Lana Turner, but let's focus on the positives.)

I point this out to show that even the piano is green. 

Another look at the sitting room in the honeymoon suite, now that the groom has abandoned her for a business trip and she needs to sulk somewhere. 

The courtyard for outdoor entertainment. 

The balcony looks very comfy, and you get that nice Van Johnson eye candy to ogle, too. 

I love that the outdoor pool has real sand. And I love Esther's robe. 

And of course the green colour scheme continues to the pool. 

Here's the outdoor dining area. 

Here's nature. 

Here's a more intimate dining area that bucks the pink and mint green colour scheme. 

Here's some interesting upholstery. 

Here's the thrill of a romance. 

Here's Lauritz Melchior in action with Tommy Dorsey and His Orchestra (and his mint green colour scheme). 

The pool by night. 

The pool by night from another angle. 

If you've read a few of these 'Inside...' posts you'll know I love me an old telephone. 

Here's the bar.

Here's another angle on the outdoor dining area. 

More nature. 

Another angle of the front desk area now that Esther's husband is back!

I love the flower displays in the honeymoon suite. 

Here's another hotel room, though it's not as chic as the honeymoon suite. 

Another glimpse of the front reception area. 

Let's close with a shot of Esther Williams in the pool. 


  1. I enjoyed all of the scenes and production design from this film, which is one of the few Esther Williams movies I've seen. Your post made me appreciate it even more. Gorgeous!


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