Summer Under the Stars: Clint Eastwood

Star of the Day: Clint Eastwood

Coogan's Bluff (1968) - "An Arizona sheriff tracks an escaped killer to the wilds of New York City."

There. I endured Clint Eastwood Day with one new-to-me film. And I would hate for anyone to ever think that I enjoyed myself, so let me make myself very clear: I endured. I did not enjoy this. 

It's funny to me though, I was half-worried that I might watch one movie and find myself wanting to watch more, because this happened to me a few years ago when Charlton Heston got his own day. It turned out that I actually quite liked Omega Man and then wasn't pressed when I found myself watching other Charlton Heston movies, so in a way, grew to kind of appreciate his body of work? 

Happy to report though that this did not happen with Clint Eastwood. 



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