Summer Under the Stars: Jacqueline Bisset

Star of the Day: Jacqueline Bisset

The Grasshopper (1970) - "Christine Adams, at 19, leaves her small town in British Columbia to follow her boy-friend to L.A., where he works for a bank, to live with him and have babies. He's not keen on a baby right away, so she gets bored and heads for Las Vegas where she talks her way into a job as a show girl..."

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This feels like such a cliché of a film, like the screenwriter put in all of the most cliché things that could happen to a small-town girl who wants to move to California and winds up ruining her life: troubled, breaks up with the stable boyfriend, falls in with a fast crowd, drugs, raped, husband murdered, turns to prostitution, robbed, turns into a stoner, lashes out publicly, gets arrested and goes to jail...all before the age of 22. 

My TV guide said that Jacqueline Bisset is the only thing that saves this movie and it was right. 



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