Summer Under the Stars: Vincent Price

Star of the Day: Vincent Price

The Last Man on Earth (1964) - "A deadly virus turns most of the world's population into blood-drinking ghouls."

When they announced all of the stars for the month, I said my least favourite was probably Vincent Price, only by virtue of the fact that I'm not a horror fan. I'd have been a perfect movie goer in the '50s, when movies like The Fly terrified people but today people are yawning at how tame the story is.

So I picked The Last Man on Earth just because I'd seen it a few times on the schedule and always thought of watching it but never actually did; why not finally watch it, right? And then I realized, as I was watching... I've seen this before!

It's the original adaptation of a book that was also made into a '70s movie starring Charlton Heston: The Omega Man! And it was parodied on The Simpsons in a Treehouse of Horror sketch! And, more currently, it was remade with Will Smith and called I Am Legend (the original title of the novel).

So with that in mind, I definitely enjoyed seeing how this version of the story was told. It was definitely cheesier, and campier, but I still had fun.



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