Inside the Comanche Hotel (TEXAS CARNIVAL)

What do you get when you take Esther Williams out of the water, stick her deep in the heart'a Texas, and give Red Skelton, Howard Keel, and Ann Miller enough of a spotlight to shine, too, all the while telling the tale of mistaken identity?

gif by me

You get Texas Carnival, which I'd love to take a deep dive into later. This post, however, is all about the rustic, dude ranch-looking hotel that's deep at the heart'a this movie.

They've arrived at the (outdatedly named) Comanche Hotel, and there's something about the sparse western landscape that I love. Imagine looking out your window and just seeing nothing for miles. There's something oddly comforting about that to me. 

I just really liked Dan Sabinas's monogram. 

Now, see, if I were staying at this hotel I don't know how I'd stop mah-self from talkin' with a drawwwwwwwl. It definitely gives off some 'deep in the heart'a Texas' vibes. 

Here's the front desk, and notice the Roundup Room behind them? 

Rotary phone! But it's boring and black, so meh. 

A tastefully decorated hotel suite, and this is the biggest one because they think Red Skelton is some kinda big-wig, that isn't my pastel pink and blue mid-century taste but still has great appeal. 

The fireplace is interesting, in the middle of the sitting room area. 

Another look at the entrance area, with that vast landscape behind them (which was likely a painted backdrop, but that's neither here nor there). 

And lest you forget...

...this is an Esther Williams movie. Of course there's a swimming pool. 

I love how this screenshot came out, by the way. It looks like a '50s postcard. 

I really just want to lounge here with a beach read, maybe sip on a milkshake, laze in the sun and wear an Esther Williams bathing suit (from her actual line of swimsuits, not the 'skimpy' suit she's wearing here and covering up). 

But if we're going to get into specifics, I do love that towel. 

Of course the Comanche Hotel has a barn area for ridin' and saddlin' and such. 

Here's Howard Keel and the main pool entrance (it looks like Esther Williams entered through the service area). 

Requisite shot of Esther Williams in water. 

This is one of the main bedrooms. White rotary phone in the background; and true art (to make a 30 Rock reference) on the wall: a painting of a horse. 

Another angle of the bedroom, and Howard Keel. I love the funky pattern on the front of the dresser.

Here's another angle of the sitting room. 

And the balcony, with that view!

Here's the dining room/ball room area...

...and of course where we meet the talented Ann Miller. I love the mural on the wall. 

And I just love the flowers lining the driveway. 

Here's another angle of the lobby. I love the cacti all over the place. 

Love the stallion on the wall at the front entrance. 

Here's the saloon area, pardner!

The bathroom is surprisingly dull compared to the rest of the hotel suite, but I love the sink. 

Of course there's a bar at the Comanche Hotel. I love the pink accents along the place, and I'm sure the floor is spic and span!



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