Inside Simon and Laura's House (SIMON AND LAURA)

We're going to London with today's Apartment Therapy post!

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Simon and Laura is a British comedy that spoofs early television, and kind of sets up trashy reality television. The couple, Simon and Laura, played by Peter Finch and Kay Kendall, are an unhappily married actor couple who have to come together in faux marital unity for a brand-new BBC program about a happily married couple. 

Here's our first introduction to Simon and Laura. Check out that funky wallpaper! 

And the rich paint colour in the hallways. 

This is a couple that loves to look at themselves. 

Very bohemian, very theatrical, very chic. 

That grey and yellow wallpaper... 

Another angle of the hallway. 

Interesting shadowboxes on the left. 

A pretty plain kitchen, although why bother decorate it if you're never in it, I suppose. 

There are a lot of golden/yellow accents throughout the house. 

Here's a shot of the exterior. The simple green door hides the opulence inside. 

More pictures of themselves. 

A better glimpse of the master bedroom. Love the headboards. The random groupings of pictures on the wall is interesting, as is Laura's messy vanity. 

And a better shot of the living room area.

