Summer Under the Stars: Charlton Heston

Star of the Day: Charlton Heston

The Omega Man (1971) - The only human survivor of a biological war fights to end a plague that has turned everybody else into monsters.

Charlton Heston as the “Omega Man” using his S&W 76. | Omega man, Man,  Charlton

Me, about 10 minutes into The Omega Man: Have I...seen this before? This feels very familiar. 

Then it hit me: 

SuperKent's 9 Deuce Blog: October 2014

It was parodied on The Simpsons in one of their Halloween episodes. So, short story even shorter, I kind of knew what to expect and was waiting around for the action to happen. I also kept expecting his family to show up, having been protected by layers of lead paint on their house, alas, that was a Simpsons gag. 



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