Inside Libby Caruso's Apartment (LOOKING FOR LOVE)

Look, I'm not going to lie to you: Looking for Love is terrible. Like, so terrible that even the person who writes the Eastlink loglines couldn't find something nice to say. Here's what appears whenever this pops up on TCM on Eastlink: "Connie Francis in a witless musical romance featuring an appearance on The Night Show with a properly embarrassed Johnny Carson." And it's got one star. 

gif by me

I'm not going to argue it, but what I am going to do is vouch for Libby Caruso's apartment because it's amazing

Look at the wallpaper in the bedroom!

It's so frothy and girlish and man, I wish I could have wallpaper because I think I could be tempted. Maybe not in blue, but that's a pretty shade, at least. 

I had one of those hanging shelves in my room growing up. I miss it! 

The pre-cursor to a bunch of alarms set five minutes apart on your iPhone is having three alarm clocks going off at once. 

Powder blue telephone in the background! (Keep your minds out of the gutter!) 

Another corner of their cramped bedroom features, what I'm presuming, is a stuffed animal from Lady and the Tramp

Love the Dalmatian figurine.  

Leaving the apartment briefly to marvel at a '60s grocery store. 

An overhead shot of the dining room. 

Love the split level of their apartment. I also love how 'lived in' it looks. From this angle, you see the living room, kitchen, dining room, and the entrance to the patio. Behind Libby's roommate (Jan, played by Susan Oliver), is the bathroom/bedroom. 

Interesting art choice. I don't think it particularly fits either of their aesthetics, so I'm going with this was a furnished rental. 

Another shot of the living room with a cute writing desk and amazing blue couch. 

A better glimpse of the small kitchen, which is yellow. I love the spice rack. I want one in my place. Right now they're all on a spinning jar holder. 

Another glimpse of the bedroom to the living room. I'm obsessed with this apartment. (I know I say that just about every post, lay off me.)

A peek into the cramped bathroom. 

And from the other angle. 

I'm not going to try and convince you to watch this movie unless you're interested in set design, because it is terrible, but maybe this is enough to convince you? Let me know if you were brave in the comments!

